where is block heater on my altima 2006
I can't find my block heater plug on my pontiac G6 2006,,,Where is it? Maybe it does not have a block heater.
where is the block heater cord located on a Mazda 3 2006
yes there is a heater on that car
When facing the car with the hood open, the block heater cord is stored in the front right corner just behind the headlight. It has plenty of cord available also.
The heater will be in the block behind the oil filter. The cord was optional. You generally have to buy it from the dealer.
The block heater cord was an add on accessory. If equipped, it is located on the passenger side of the engine
Usually the block heater is in place of the passenger's side rear freeze plug
Should be on the lower rear of the block, near the dipstick.
you have to buy the plug-in cord (for the block heater) separately. Block heater is about $34.00 CDN and the cord is about $75.00 CDN. The cord has the regular end to plug into your electrical socket and the other end has a special plug end for the heater.
block heater cord will be found wound up in a bundle between radiator and grill on drivers side of truck