Where are they located in car
Listed in your owner's manual. They are located on the highest point of the cooling system.
How do i put in the anti thief code in Honda 2006 accord?
add water or anti-freeze coolant
I gallon of Long Life Coolant mixed with 1 gallon of distilled water will be enough to fill it up after draining.
The color of the antifreeze does not have anything to do with the type of anti-freeze. Anti-freeze manufacturers can make their anti-freeze any color they choose. You can use any SAE certified anti-freeze in your 1997 Toyota Corolla.
60% water and 40% anti-freeze works better than, 50/50, unless it freezes often where you live.
Genuine Honda Anti-Freeze/Coolant - Type 2 orHonda Extreme Cold Weather Anti-Freeze/Coolant - Type 2 Concentrate provides protection up to -62 degrees F.With Genuine Honda anti freeze, you do not have to add water; contains no silicate and borates, which keep deposits from corroding the aluminum.
Power the radio, and then enter the anti-theft code using the preset numbers at the bottom of the radio. If the anti-theft code is unknown, contact Honda with the 17-digit vehicle identification number.
If you mean ABS it stands for Anti-Lock Brake System.