The owners manual for a 2004 Toyota Sienna is located in the glove compartment. Alternative, they can be acquired directly from Toyota's website.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has 24 valves.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has a V6 engine.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has a 5-speed automatic.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has a drag coefficient of 0.30 Cd.
The height of the 2004 Toyota Sienna is 5 ft. 8.9 in. (68.9 in.).
The 2004 Toyota Sienna runs on regular unleaded.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has a 13.3 degrees angle of approach.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna is 16 ft. 8 in. (200 in.) long.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has a 19.3 degrees angle of departure.
The 2004 Toyota Sienna has double overhead cam (DOHC).