The problem is the reverse light switch. It is located on the top of the transmission that should sloved your problem.
Check your fuses
Where is the fuse located for the reverse lights
The neutral safety switch is what controls the reverse lights. It is located on the top of the transmission almost directly below the brake master cylinder.
Reverse switch defective or loose. Located somewhere on the shifter. Check your fuses.
check for blown fuses
have you checked the bulbs and fuses
Try bypassing the reverse light switch that plugs into the transmission. If your reverse lights come on, voila! Problem solved. Buy a new switch.
the reverse light switch is either out of adjustment. or broken. new one should be fairly cheap
for reverse lights, check the reverse light switch that is located on the transmission. for fog light, check bulbs, or broken wires for reverse lights, check the reverse light switch that is located on the transmission. for fog light, check bulbs, or broken wires
check bulbs, fuses & reverse switch
The 2002 Cavalier has a reverse light switch. The switch can be bad, or have a loose connection causing the lights not to work.