They don't have timing belts - since the introduction of the 2002 model they have had timing chains which should last the life of the engine.
There is no timing belt on 2004 Honda accord, but a timing chain.
the miles are 81000 of Honda odeysse 2004, When should change of timing belt?
You don't as the 2004 Honda CRV uses a timing chain and not a belt. It should last the life of the engine.
how do i change my timing belt on my honda?
The 2004 Honda CRV does not have a timing belt. It has a chain and no scheduled replacement is necessary.
Timing belt.
The manual states that the timing belt on a 2004 Accord V6 should be replaced at 105,000 miles.
It has a timing belt
It must have a TIMING CHAIN because Gates ( they make timing belts etc. ) does not list a timing belt for the 2004 Honda Element
timing belt change 2008 civic
Never, the 2004 Civic SI has a timing chain as do all K Series engines.
its either a timing belt or else a timing chain