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fuel filter could be clogged or the fuel pump is going out on it.

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Q: Whats wrong when a car labors shakes and judders and also loses acceleration power?
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Whats acceleration what is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocityaka how fast the velocity changes

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One equation is Force/acceleration=mass

Whats the equation for acceleration?

Acceleration=force divided by mass. The above is Newtons second law. Acceleration is also the change in velocity over the change in time, so it can also be stated as a=(final velocity - initial velocity)/(elapsed time)

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check your idle controle moter. it is probably crudded up or not wotking.

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A firework may be faster at the start(better acceleration), but overall the Ferrari is the fastest of these examples.

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It is when after you step on the gas pedal and then let off, the pedal does not return to normal position. The result is extremely unexpected and dangerous.

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Technalogical advancement in citie's life and low return of crops and shortage of facilities in filed for crop protection and growing, in my view lead labors to shift cities for jobs and availing the available oppurtunities.

My dogs ear is hurting him but he wont let me look at it and he scrathches and shakes it all the time Whats wrong with him?

Either something stuck in the ear, ear mites, ear infection or yeast infection of the ear. All easily treated at the vet.

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Take it in for a front end alignment, that should calm it down or it could be the tie rods hope that helps

What Newtons 2 law of motion?

Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, it can be expressed as F = ma, where F is the force applied, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration produced.

1998 ford expedition XLT is burning oil when the truck gets warmed up it starts to shimmy and has no acceleration.?

Auto Zone will check your computer codes for FREE. this way you will know whats wrong.

What causes a crown Victoria to hesitate during acceleration?

Whats the year? Possible problems.........Spark plugs, ign. wires, fuel filter. injector's dirty, timing. Theres a few more, but start with this.