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most likely the wheel bearings.

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Q: What would cause a loud grinding noise whenever a 1999 Hyundai elantra is in motion?
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04 Hyundai Elantra all four brakes are locked up?

I have a Hyundai Elantra GLS 2003 with "anti-lock brakes." I rear ended a car on the highway last night and on recolecting as carefully as I can, I braked, and I believe I braked in time. The car didn't stop. I don't believe it even slowed down appreciably. A friend of mine said that the "anti-lock" mechanism RELEASES the brake when it senses a skid. But what logic there is in not braking immediately after the release (in an automatic pumping motion) escapes me entirely and I braked immediately and I braked hard. I am considering taking Hyundai to court. I'd be grateful for any information or incidents others have experienced.

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Friction always opposes the motion of a body by acting in the opposite direction to its motion.

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Whenever the motion is in conflict with your organization's constitution and/or rules, it is out of order.

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any device that can penetrate a earthly matter in a grinding, pulsating, or drilling motion.

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A force will cause motion, specifically it causes acceleration, whenever it is unbalanced by an opposing force, such as friction.

What causes grinding noises after replacing 2 front tires and 2 new used tires in rear?

Depends on the kind of grinding. The brakes may have been messed with, so you'll getting a constant grinding noise. If the noise is audible when you first turn the vehicle on and it not in motion, then you have other problems. If you only hear it while the vehicle is in motion, then you should take it back to the shop where you got your tires replaced.

What would cause a 1999 Hyundai Elantra to start in motion in third gear?

If it's always stay in 3rd gear then the trans is in ``safe mode``. Instead of not working at all, It put it self in 3rd gear so you can move the car. Sometimes it is cause by a loose connection or a rusted connection of a harness to the transmission. but It can be worse (internal problems) Good luck!

How does the movement of a cat's jaw differ from that of a dog's?

Cats have a limited side-to-side movement in their jaws, which is why they cannot grind their food like dogs can. Dogs, on the other hand, have a wider range of motion in their jaws, allowing them to chew food more extensively.

What are the four ways tectonic plates move to form an earthquake?

1:towards eachother 2:towars eachother slanting 3:apart from eachother 4:grinding motion

How does a cow use its back teeth?

It uses them for grinding down fibrous matter, especially from grasses, stemmy legumes, leaves from brush and trees, and to chew their cud (partially digested "food" regurgitated from the rumen). The grinding action is exactly like the way we humans chew our food; lower jaw makes a circular motion rolling and grinding the matter into fine and almost equal particles before being swallowed.

How do motion sensors usually work?

Motion sensors usually work by having a light that turns on whenever the sensors pick up any kind of movement from a car, person , or animal. They can be bought at a local Home Depot.

How does grinding start...does a guy just put his hands on your hips and start grinding on you?

How the grinding starts depends largely on the dance environment. In some venues, it is considered necessary to verbally ask permission. I can offer my experience from large urban dance clubs (Philadelphia, in my case). In these venues, there is typically a large, crowded dance area at the center of the venue in which guys will begin grinding girls without asking. Typically, they will place their hand on the girl's hips and linger there for a second before making pelvis-ass contact. This would be your opportunity to repulse him if you are not interested. Generally, you can signal your interest in grinding by dancing in a grinding motion by yourself. If you are with a group, you are more likely to be ground upon if your rear end is facing out of your "dance circle".