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bad fuel bad spark plugs incorrect timing

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Q: What would cause a car to sputter when it accelerates?
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What cause your car to sputter when you drive it?

It may need a tune up.

What makes a car sputter?

A malfunctioning battery can't provide enough power to your ignition system when the motor is idling can cause sputtering. If there is not enough gas, that can cause your vehicle to sputter. If the spark plugs fail to fire will also cause your vehicle to sputter.

Would a leak from the power stering cause a car to sputter or die at idle?

NO... You have other problems. Sounds like WATER is in the fuel.

What causes a 1993 Ford Festiva to sputter when on acceleration only when going forward and not backward?

If a car sputters when it accelerates there may be a problem with the ignition. Another option is that the timing belt is malfunctioning.

Why would a car sputter when idling?

because itt needs to be work on

Why would a car backfire 1 time then sputter?

A sparkplug misfiring.

What would cause a 1987 Honda CRX Si to sputter once the car begins to warm up It runs fine when it is cold?

check the coolant level

What would make a 2000 KIA Sportage spit and sputter on acceleration?

There could be a few causes for a car to spit and sputter on acceleration. One common cause would be the engine not getting enough fuel, so it could be a problem in the fuel line, fuel filter, or fuel pump.

Will a clog fuel fiter make a car sputter and bog down?

It does not always mean that will happen, but it is certainly a common cause and if your car is sputtering and bogs down it would be one of the first things to check.

Why would your car shake and sputter in below freezing temperature?

ice in the fuel system

Why would your car idle fine but sputter when you accelerate?

There are a number of reasons why a car would idle find but sputter when you accelerate. It could need a new spark plugs. You may also have to replace the filters. It might also be an issue with the air flow.