For a 2002 Kia Sportage the recommended oil to be used is a 10W-30. Most vehicles use this weight of oil. Depending on the climate it is best to stick with the recommended oil weight for your vehicle.
or mopil xhp that's very good the 2003 kia optima uses 5w-30
At the bottom of the engine block.
V6 L14459 or PH9688
4 cylinder 2.4 litters uses 10W40
below 0 5w30 above 0 10w30
Check the oil/crankcase fill cap. Most vehicles nowadays only require 5W-20, maybe 5W-30....of course, weather conditions can affect the oil you should use though!
For the 2001 kia optima I have found the oil filter between the front passenger side tire and the engine. You can see it if you turn the wheels all the way to the left, although it helps if the filter cover is a bright color. To change it I had to remove the tire.
motor oil
Use exactly the weight that is recommended by Kia.