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87 or higher but the manual says 91

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Q: What octane should be used for a 2007 4spd automatic Hyundai Tiburon?
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How many rpm should the engine turn at 80 Mph 2007 Hyundai tiburon

Which octane should you use for a Hyundai?

Any gas should be fine. Usually higher end sports car require higher octane gas. Your owners manual should verify what octane you should use. Any Hyundai dealer would have the info for you too.

What should the voltage be at the fuel injection solenoid on a 2001 Hyundai Tiburon?

Battery voltage

How much transmission fluid does an automatic 2003 Hyundai Tiburon need?

The total fill capacity for a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon is 8.2 quarts (including the fluid inside the torque converter). However for just a drain/fluid change, it will probably require about half that amount. If you still have the owner's manual, that would be a good place to look. The fluid capacities should be listed. If not, try calling the parts or service department of your local Hyundai dealer.

Why should a radio and clock not work on a Hyundai tiburon?

after chenging batry may hyudai radio no working

What kind of motor oil do you put into a 2005 Hyundai Tiburon SE?

It should say in your owners manual.

Would a 2002 Hyundai elantra stater fit a 1997 Hyundai tiburon?

The Hyundai beta motor has not seen much change in 13 or so years it has been around the starters should be interchangeable.

What type of transmission fluid can you put in a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon beside what the owners manual say which is-hyundai atf sp-11 autran mmsp-11 diamond atf sp-11 it for a automatic?

== == Use ONLY the fluid that is recommended by the car maker. They designed it so you should follow their instructions carefully.

How much transmission fluid does an automatic 2003 tiburon need?

The total fill capacity for a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon is 8.2 quarts (including the fluid inside the torque converter). However for just a drain/fluid change, it will probably require about half that amount. If you still have the owner's manual, that would be a good place to look. The fluid capacities should be listed. If not, try calling the parts or service department of your local Hyundai dealer.

What type of fuel should you use for your 2004 Hyundai tiburon gt?

it recommends regular in the owners manual but premium should give you a little extra horsepower.

How can you get the Code for your Hyundai tiburon radio?

Well, sweetheart, to get the radio code for your Hyundai Tiburon, you'll need to check the owner's manual or maintenance booklet that came with the car. If you can't find it there, you can contact a Hyundai dealership with your VIN number handy, and they should be able to provide you with the code. Just make sure to have a sweet smile ready for those folks at the dealership!

Where is the PCV valve on a 99 Hyundai tiburon?

Standing in front of the car looking at the engine it should be located on the right side on the rear of the valve cover.