there are two kinds of timing marks. one is for ignition timing and one for valve timing.
I just changed a timing belt in a buddys 1990 accord and you need to set the marks on the pulleys to same direction as your crank pulley mark is.
fist u have too move timing belt cover than mark the timing and remove the timing belt after that u can take out a crank pully out (makesouer timing mark is right)
A timing mark is usually a white line on the timing belt to sync the firing of cylinders in an engine. You can see this line when the engine is turned off or with a timing light also a strobe light when the engine is running.
in my opinion no
whats the correct timing mark for a 1990 dodge ram pickup 318
in the motor
They are on the top timing gear with a mark on the side of it and also on the bottom one on the side
Timing on a single-cam 1998 Honda Civic is marked on the cam shaft. The distributor will also need to be set of the appropriate degrees.
Follow the positive battery cable and it will lead you to it. I hope this helps you. Mark
Honda Man There are two timing belts. This is best answered with a diagram.
well first you need to get the timing close enough to crank then put a timing light on it and bring timing to top dead center.. which is the second mark on the timing chain cover.. there will be a mark on the harmonic balancer line that mark up with the second mark on the gauge on the timing chain cover.. and should be fine
The timing marks on a 1990 Honda Accord with an F22A1, F22A2, F22A6 are one the flywheel. Below the distributor on the bell housing is a little yellow plug with a tip that sticks up to make it easy to pull out and it does pull out easy. Once you have the plug removed you can the take a flash light or a trouble light and shine the light in the hole and see a tab sticking out with a v shaped notch cut out of it. This is your pointer. Then you can turn the motor over counter clockwise until you see a white mark lined up with notch on the pointer. This is TDC (top dead center). At this point the number one cylinder is up and all valves to CYL #1 should be closed and the #1 piston is ready to make its firing stroke. If the white mark is lined up with the notch and the #1 cylinder has valves open then you must make one complete turn of the Crank. Once you have number one at TDC then turn the motor 15 degrees clockwise and you should see a red mark lined up with the notch. This is your ignition timing mark. When you have your motor running and a timing light hooked to the motor this mark should appear to be staying pretty much in the same general area, appearing as if it is not moving but up and down a little bit. If you have this then you timing is kosher and your accord should be running steady and smooth. My accord is set up for drag racing and i still use it on the street and with my exhaust header and intake i set mine at 18 degrees advanced and i get a little more top end power and i still have my great gas mileage. Good luck. Accordman_92