How do you replace rear interior brake light on 2005 Nissan Altima?
I think you are talking about the center high mount stop light
when you say "rear interior brake light". The 2005 Nissan Altima
center high mount stop (third 3rd brake light) bulb replacement:
Purchase the correct replacement center high mount stop (third 3rd
brake light) bulb(s) first, before disassembling the vehicle. See
sources and related links below for replacement bulb information.
Then consult your owner's manual for the center high mount stop
(third 3rd brake light) bulb replacement procedure. As simple as it
sounds, the owner's manual is the best place to start for bulb
replacement instructions and illustrations. If there are multiple
bulbs, you may want to consider replacing all at the same time in
order to keep brightness and color equal (optional).