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Communism is a socioeconomic system based on common ownership and a classless society. A communist government has an expanded role in economic matters and basically controthe means of production of the state.

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Q: What is the role of the government in communism?
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False! false

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The Communist view is that Communism has no classes and hence no role for government.

In most mixed economies what role does the government not fill?

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R. S. Singh has written: 'Indian communism, its role towards Indian polity' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Communism, History 'Indian novel in English'

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Socialism/Communism imply the abolition of government and the establishment of a classless society where there is a true democracy.

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They fought to overthrow the Provisional government and established communism in Russia.

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Totalitarian, although they always claim to be democracies.

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adopted communism as its form of government

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