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Civic Pride is having respect for the town/city you come from.

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Q: What is civic pride?
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What is the meaning of Civic?

Civic is an adjective. As in relating to a city. Example Civic Problems. Can also be related to a citizen. Example Civic Pride. It is also the model of a Honda vehicle.

Who is the goddess of wisdom and war and civic pride?

In Greek mythology, it is Athena.In Roman mythology, it is Minerva.

What causes graffiti?

People! That, and a lack of respect for other people's property and a low level of civic pride.

Why should children spend Saturday morning picking up litter?

As a matter of civic duty or pride.

What is an example of civic pride?

you can place signs all over the place saying to recycle,reuse,and reduce,to not be a litter bug and so fort.

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Characteristics of Gotheic architecture are linked to appeals to the emotions derived from faith or civic pride.

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What civic value do you believe is most essential to being an American?

In my personal opinion and with my understanding of the question, I would say it would have to be your sense of pride about being an American. There are many people born elsewhere and can't ever come to America, yet we were born here. I think that is the greatest civic value.

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Topics of patriotism can include national identity, love and loyalty towards one's country, civic responsibility, sacrifice for the common good, and pride in one's country's achievements and values.

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Is pride a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'pride' is a standard collective noun for:a pride of lionsa pride of ostrichesa pride of peacocksa pride of stage mothers