Le means luxury edition. Ce means common edition. Se means sports edition. Xle means extreme luxury edition top of the line.
Yes, the Camry SE in the 4cyl. has 10 more HP than the LE and XLE's on the 2010 and 2011 models.
XLE has automatic heated lether seats, heated mirrors (sometimes optional) and sometimes climate control. Also XLE has V6, when for CE it was optional.
The 2011 Camry comes in several different models: CAMRY, LE, SE, XLE, & HYBRID. Prices start at $20,000 and go up to $27,000 for the HYBRID. The LE, SE and XLE have something called Extra Value Packaging, which adds additional features for an affordable price.
What is the roaring noise from a 1999 Toyota Camry XLE at speeds over 35 ? Sounds like it is coming from the rear.
The Toyota Camry is one of the most purchased mid-sized cars in the world. The different model types for the year of 2013 are L, LE, SE, XLE, and hybrid.
The 2002 Toyota Camry XLE has four oxygen sensors. There are two sensors on the exhaust manifold ,and one before and one after the catalytic converter.
The drive cycle for a 2002 Toyota Camry depends on if it is an CE, LE, or XLE version. The drive cycle for the CE is 10 milliseconds, for the LE it is 9 milliseconds, and for the XLE it is 4 weeks.
If it's the same model (CE, LE or XLE), there is no difference.
yes, i own a 1997 Camry xle and it has a front license plate mount.
i need the picture of a 1994 Toyota Camry xle cv joint diagram