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Jokes are supposed to be funny, and if what he's saying could be considered a threat, then its not a good joke at all! And not returning the house keys - he has no place doing that. Many men who are overly controlling and jealouse like he is are also capable of being violent. I know you may have had a relationship with him, so it would be hard for you to do anything that would hurt him or humiliate him. But his threats need to stop, and he needs to return the house key as soon as possible. My suggestion would be to contact your local police. You can have a restraining order against him, and he would be forced to return the key to you. As I said, its understandable that you may feel guilty taking this to the authorities. But what he's doing is illegal, and if you don't do something soon there's no saying whether he will act on his threats any time soon. Its for your own safety. Good luck. I would recommend changing the locks. If you ever get your keys returned, you won't have any assurance that he didn't make another copy. Take a minute to imagine, that he knows you want your keys back. Couldn't he manipulate you again by leading you to believe that he is doing the right thing by returning the keys. He couldn't easily make another set. Trust your feelings. He is trying to scare you. You ended the relationship and he is trying to scare you into staying with him. You know his jokes are threats, and it is a violation of your rights to threaten you. He is doing this on purpose. Stay strong and good luck!

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Q: What do you do if after you broke it off with your boyfriend he won't return your house key and he makes jokes that are all threats and you are scared?
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