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Most likely the brakes. Try to get someone to stand outside the car when backing up to try to localize it. Had this happen on a Toyota. Next brake job got hardware and pads replaced. No more squeal.

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Q: What causes a squeaking noise while backing?
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Most people will tap the brakes of a car when their car is going downhill, usually to keep the car under the speed limit. The squeaking noise could be the brake rotors or the brake pads.Ê

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All what I can say is; I realise this noise around in the age of 6-8 in night while I go to sleep. At that time I thought this was the noise of insects and water boilers noise. It doesn't bother me. After that age I didn't have that. Now I am 58. About a year continuously more loudly and day and night I do hear. It doesn't hinder my work or my movement.

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try the belt No I have same problem with my 03 1500 far I have changed the belt and the tenssion pully, but still have the squeaking noise and when I turn off engin I can hear that squeaking.

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The most common cause for a squeaking noise when turning the steering wheel on any vehicle, including a 2001 Toyota Avalon, is the belt that runs the power steering pump. If the belt is fairly new, a small drop of any dish soap on the belt while the car is running will clear up the noise. If the belt is worn, it needs to be replaced.

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Most likely the front squeaking while turning is a brake issue. If this is the case and it is left uncorrected, you could be looking at a very expensive brake job.

What could be making the squeaking noise in your 2002 Mazda 626 while driving if it's not the rotors or brakes?

The drive belt may be slipping or going bad.

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