Most like ly cause is a tire out of balance or bent wheel. Could also be the strut or a problem with the steering gera itself. I'm betting it in one or both of your front tires.
Tires out of balance, bent wheel, or worn suspension parts.
Could be a wheel weight missing, a bad ball joint or a bad shock.
It's possible, but there are other causes too. Alignment, shocks and front wheel bearings can all cause this.
bad front brakes.
Engine miss.
try balancing the front wheels
Most likely cause is out of balance wheels. Get your wheels balanced by your garage or tyre specialist.
it could be a a couple of things your brake roters be warped due to overheating and sudden cooling off by driving thru water or it could be a worn tie-rod end a tie-rod problem would shake the steering wheel a roter problem would be felt with a shaking in the brake pedal.
I am not shaky.
Warped brake rotors cause shaky steering when braking. Your brake pads are designed to grip the rotor with equal power on both sides, which slows you down to a stop. If your rotor is warped, you get unequal pressure, and the affected wheel vibrates your steering wheel as it alternately releases and let go. You may be able to get your rotors resurfaced; they put them into a machine that takes the top layer of the rotor down just enough to make it truly flat. That's if they aren't warped too badly. If they are, the only solution is new rotors, and that can cost several hundred dollars. Good luck.
That is a shaky argument. His legs were shaky after all that hiking.
bad balancing, improper lug nut torque, that's if it wasnt there before