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(^ is the triangle thing)

*Impulse= F^t


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Q: What are the ways the expression for impulse can be expressed?
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How do you derive expression for the impulse of a force?

The impulse of a force can be derived by integrating the force with respect to time over the interval during which the force is applied. Mathematically, impulse (J) is given by the integral of force (F) over time (t), expressed as J = ∫ F dt. This integral results in the change in momentum of the object upon which the force acts.

What part of speech is expressed?

Expression is a noun.

What does the impulse momentum theorem state?

The impulse momentum theorem states that the change in momentum of an object is equal to the impulse applied to it. Mathematically, it can be expressed as the product of force and time, resulting in a change in momentum.

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The above expression cannot be expressed in an algebraic form.

How many ways can you express the number 2?

The number 2 can be expressed in many different ways. For example the number2 in roman numerals is expressed as II In binary the number 2 is expressed as 10 Different cultures both past and present also had there own ways of writing the number two The standard Chinese( simple numerals) expression is It can also be expressed many different ways through use of mathematical statements. A few examples are: 1+1, 3-1, 6/3. An algebraic expressions could be x - 6 = -4, x=2

What does decimal expression mean?

It is a number expressed in decimal form.

What is the verb for the noun expression?

The verb form for the noun expression is to express.

Is expressed a verb?

Yes. The word 'express' is a verb and expression is a noun.

What is an algebraic expression that is not equal called?

An algebraic expression that is not equal (Such as 3=0) is called an inequality, and can be expressed as 3≠0.

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The expression for the energy density in terms of stress and strain can be expressed as ρe.

What expression resents 5 less than the product of 7 and x?

Expressed as an algebraic expression, this would be equal to 7x - 5.

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The phenotype is the expression of genetic traits.