you lose power and the engine dies... you lose power and the engine dies...
Or you go no where very quickly! (for pictures of blown seals go to )
ha ha! you need apex seals. Very common with rotary's.
if you have a bad apex seal you can replace the apex seals and side seals depending upon the condition of the engine, if the housing or side wall is worn or scraped badly than you will need new housings and possibly side walls. but your motor may run depending on how badly worn the apex seal is.
very very big job!!!!! dont recommend for the novice or driveway mechanic. if you blew your apex seals then you more than likely ruined your intermediate housing and more than likely blew out all the other seals. you will need new housings apex seals, corner seals, side seals etc. to many to name. look into a new engine, much easier.
Headaches - Apex
See your dealer, At worst, it sounds like you could have a bad apex seal. At best, it may need fuel injector service. Have Mazda run an engine compression/vacuum check to know for sure about the engine seals.
A lot of guys use automatic transmission fluid and sock the motor overnight. Turn by hand. If no movement redo and let sit overnight again and try to turn by hand. Somtimes the apex seals seize up in the housings.
One can get their Mazda repaired in Edmonton at an auto repair garage. Apex Specialized Automotive Inc. and Dean's Auto Service are places where one can get their Mazda repaired.
Your apex seals might be bad, your engine may need a rebuild!
Oversleeping Insomnia Getting sick easily
A tune-up will probably be the best things to do for it. (Rotary engines do not have valves to tune) If the vehicle feels like it is lacking an extreme amount of power compared to stock specs perform a compression test to ensure the Apex Seals are sealing.
im sorry to say i think your motor is toast and there is no quick fix either a replacment motor or a rebuild. but you you could hope that you just have 3 stuck apex seals{very un-likely} in which case look up " that ATF treatment" it has a good track recored if this is your problem
An OTS engine is an off the shelf engine. The engines come with new rotor housings, rotors, and apex seals.