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Various uses for platinum include jewelry, dentistry and in pacemakers. It is also used in different types of electronics, because it does not corrode.

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Q: What are some uses for platinum?
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What are uses for platinum?

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The trainer who uses a Wormadam in "Pokémon Platinum" is named Devon who is within Route 214.

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Pokemon platinum has the time feature where it uses the dses time. if it is Friday on your ds, it is Friday on platinum.

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Common uses for platinum are?

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What is platinum Is it a base metal or an alloy What are its uses besides in jewelry Where is it found generally geographically Why is it so dear?

Is platinum a base metal or an alloy? What are its uses besides in jewlery? Where is it found generally and geographically? Why is it so dear?

What are some properties and uses of platinum?

Platinum is a dense, malleable, and highly corrosion-resistant metal. It is commonly used in jewelry, catalytic converters, and in various industrial applications due to its resistance to heat and chemicals. Platinum is also used in the medical field for devices like pacemakers and dental implants.

What is no 152 Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

its chikorita serbii is wrong serbii uses the INTERNATIONAL pokedex in Pokemon platinum its diffrent o-o

Where is the 152 Pokemon from the pokedex Pokemon Platinum?

its chikorita serbii is wrong serbii uses the INTERNATIONAL pokedex in Pokemon platinum its diffrent o-o