早上好 (zao shang hao) or 早安(zao an) by the way, I am Chinese, I came from Beijing. Do you want to be my penfriend? Because I want to study English, and I can teach you Chinese too. You can send mail to me : bxwenqi@gmail.com
Yes you can. It is 早安 (Zăo ān)
good morning
In the Tasaday dialect, "good morning" can be translated as "Mayuh a libun."
It is difficult to translate from English to math.
Zǎo ān is "Good Morning" in Mandarin Chinese
In Catoboto Manobo dialect, "good morning" is translated as "Maayong buntag."
Ni Zao!
Ummm google translate
In Chinese, "morning" is pronounced "zao shang" (早 上). To say "good morning," say "zao on" (早 安).
seebedla metomonta
"Good morning Ma´m"