B2600 has a carburetor system and B2600i has an injection system.
The B2600i does not have a pickup coil, it uses a hall effect sensor located inside the distributor to trigger spark. K6 Mazdatruckin.com
Mazdatruckin.com has diagrams of the Mazda Pickup Truck frames on their tech website. See the attached link.
The Rear ABS speed sensor is installed into the top area of the rear differential.
Where is the fuel pump located at in a 91 Mazda b2600i
The SE-5 package has a limited slip differential but it doesn't fully lock.
121 hp
Under the drivers seat
Firing order is usually 1-3-4-2. So start from the front of the pickup, going clockwise. (mine is a 1991 Mazda b2600i).
yes you can pretty much turbocharge anything.
on the firewall passenger side
3,6 litters