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of course friends should stay friends no matter what because who's gonna be with you when your having a hard time in school. I mean you can't obviously hang around a teacher all day or you can't drag your parents to school with you. Friends should get through no matter how many problems occur to them, being friends means that they'll be at each other's side and won't leave them. There they're for each other when you need them and when it feels like you don't know where else to go and your lost, they'll be there.

My friends and I would always have a problem another one stacking up to it, there would be choosing sides and fights everyday. But a little while we find ourselves trying to fix it because we all know that we need each other to at least survive school. There's this one problem, when they all went up against me and blamed me for this one big problem, i felt lost, i felt as if they've betrayed me and i was willing to give our friendship up, but you know what, one of my best friend talk to me and I'm a little bit a hot-headed and he was calm about it and kept on talking to me on how we could solve the problem. And a few weeks later, we're all laughing and telling each other, "well, that was stupid!"

I learned that friends should stay friends no matter what! hope i helped ;)

AnswerAs long as it is a healthy relationship and nothing each of them ever does hurts the other one so badly that it shouldn't be overlooked. Like cheating with one's boyfriend, unforgivable. Talking about them behind there back and lying about them, unreasonable. Doing things that are illegal and including the other in them without there knowledge, unfair. The relationship of friends is one that has ups/downs like other relationships but you never do or say anything that is going to bring harm or hurt to someone that you are supposed to care about. When that starts happening, there is not a relationship any longer. One should only have to hear Im sorry, once anything more then that is just accepting the irresponsibility of another.
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Q: Should friends stay friends no matter what. And Why?
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Should friends should stay friends no matter what And Why?

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