you should take the car to the dealer and ask them because they will give you the best info.
how do you reset the tire pressure monitoring system on a 2006 Toyota Rav4?
When my tire pressure light goes on in my 2006 rav4, I add air to the spare and it goes off.
How do you reset the maintenance required light in the 2011Toyota RAV4 with a smart key starting system
There is no reset for the battery light. If the light is on there's a problem with the electrical system and once the problem is repaired the light will automatically go out.
Is there a reset button on a 1996 rav4? Had it checked out, and said it need spark plugs and wires. Replaced it and check engine light still on.
The warning lights on the dash of a 1998 Toyota Rav4 can mean anything from low fuel to brake problems or overheating. Each light has a unique image which denotes the specific problem.
This is the check tire pressure light. you either have a low tire or bad sensors. Toyota sensors have a problem where if the tires are under 35psi the light eventually comes on, even if their recommended pressure is 30. The spares on the suvs may also have a sensor.
You will need to take it into a mechanic. They will be able to check out your vehicle and then they can turn off the light.
The easiest way to reset the VSC trac on a 04 Rav4 is to unplug the battery. Once you plug it back in, the VSC will reset.
Check the pressure in all five tires-spare included. You will have to remove the spare cover, which takes some time if you have a soft cover. Once all the tires are at the same pressure, the light should go out. I did it with the car parked, so it seems driving it for reset is not required. If the pressure is off between the tires after adding air, the light may stay on. They must all be close or the same for the light to go out. Use a real tire gage rather than the one at the gas station air nozzle.
how do i remove rear fog light on rav4