change MAP sensor
If you try to turn it on and it just keeps shutting itself off, maybe there is an issue with a fan?
Your laptop is getting too warm and to protect the parts inside from melting, it shuts down. Laptops are usually passive cooled, but that isn't enough for some of the more powerful laptops. You might want to add an additional fan or two to solve this problem.
That's almost a question.
Remove you're Memory Card, this problem should no longer happen.
Yes, or at lest get the store to fix the problem.
A fuse blows when there is a short in the system check for broken or fraid wires
You have a virus. Or it is continuously overheating?
Yes, it should stop all shutting down actions by your computer if the system is overheating.
ask hundreds he has the same problem he keeps getting killed by predators aswell
Yes. Being in denial keeps you from getting to the source of your problem and that can make you sick.