you touch him or buy him a Prius
The Prius gasoline engine will start when the main battery charge gets low and begin to charge the battery. The air conditioner in the Prius is all electric, there is no compressor drag on the gasoline engine.
Trouble code P1151 means: Coolant Path Clog Up for Coolant Heat Storage System
Prius II starts at $ 23,855.00 Prius III starts at $ 24, 855.00 Prius IV starts at $ 27,655.00 Prius V starts at $ 29,125.00
What date do you legally have to turn heat on in NJ?
"Prius" is correct.
what is a ''prius?
it must be a glitch on your car or... check that the dashboard light dial on your dash is not set too low.
The Prius is a Toyota.
Camry Prius C Prius V Volt
the weather getting cool when the landlord should turn on on the heat
Its convection.