Hi. To get to the oil filter, you need to jack up the car and unscrew the plastic cover underneath the rear engine of the MR2. The oil filter is located in the middle-rear section under the vehicle. Usually black cylinder shaped. You will need an oil filter wrench. Also, have a pan ready cause when you get it out of there, it will spray oil out. Peace, Mike
I used to own a 1964 Covair spyder and it used 5 quarts of oil on a oil change. Brewski
A 2001 Intrepid does not have an oil change light.
How do you change oil on a 2001 sportster 1200
check out this link: http://www.maseratilife.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1918
The 4.0 2001 Jeep Wrangler needs 6 quarts of oil for an oil change.
how much oil does a kia sportage hold 2001 when you change the oil
by the oil dip stick
where do you ad motor oil on a 2001 Kawasaki voyager 1200
can be oil pressure change the oil filter
Pull the drain plug out of the oil pan then also change the oil filter then refill with oil