4.2 quarts from empty to full. Put it 4 quarts, start motor, idle for 30 seconds, turn off motor and check dipstick, fill to the line marked "full"
take out the halfshafts pull the motor and unbolt the tranny
Try looking on the oil pan. If you still can't find it then just take it to a shop.
there is a plug on the bottom of the radiator, pull it. what i do is take the whole thing out and you a garden hose and flush it out like that.
Running into a tree works well. Hammers will also do the trick, but take a little more time.
all newer models take Dexron III transmission fluid
3qts. 75W-90
maybe 30 minutes, just be careful and follow instructions or you'll have to bleed the whole system
one screw holds the light on, take it off and spin the light lens holder to remove the bulb
you have to take the throttle body support bracket loose. it is under the bottom mounted to the engine. you cannot remove it otherwise. I know as i did the same.
take caliper off, and then remove brake pads... piston for the brake caliber must be spun in to reset it. dont try to puch it in, it will not move...
Take it to an alignment shop to have a thrust alignment done
the drain plugs are at the front part of the sunroof you will have to take the sunroof out to see them