A little less than 7 Yuan equal 1 US Dollar. -glavanway
6.9396 Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) is equal to 1 US Dollar.
1.00 US Dollar =6.62860 Chinese Yuan.
If you mean the Chinese yuan, as of 5/24/12 the yuan is worth about sixteen cents, meaning one US dollar is worth about 6.33 yuan.
100 cents = 1 Australian dollar
As of 30th June 2009: 1 Australian Dollar = 0.81 US DOllars 1 US Dollar = 1.24 Australian Dollars
Currently, 1 US dollar is 9 Chinese Yuan (rounded to the nearest Yuan.)
1 US dollar is worth 6.3834 Chinese Yuan.
6.48 makes 1 US dollar Source: rmbconversion.com
6.582 yuan
55.76 Rupees.