The EPA range estimate for the 2008 Toyota RAV4 is 333.9 mi. in the city, 429.3 mi. on the highway.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 has 16 valves.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 has a 4-speed automatic.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 has an inline 4 engine.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 runs on regular unleaded.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 is 15 ft. 1.1 in. (181.1 in.) long.
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 has a 29.3 degrees angle of approach.
The height of the 2008 Toyota RAV4 is 5 ft. 6.3 in. (66.3 in.).
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 has double overhead cam (DOHC).
The 2008 Toyota RAV4 has a 25.4 degrees angle of departure.
The curb weight of the 2008 Toyota RAV4 is 3300 lbs..