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Latex paint is recycled back into the same color paint or is mixed into new colors. Other types of paint, such as oil-based, cannot be recycled.

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Q: How is paint recycled?
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You do not need to paint tires.

How can you make a volcanoes made out of recycled materials?

hello, to make a volcano out of recycled materials you can use a old lamp shade and papper machae when dry paint it. thanks :)

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There are several types of toxic waste that can be recycled safely, which reduces the amount of harmful materials in landfills. One of the more useful things to be recycled and sold relatively cheaply is paint.

What is glass recycled into?

Mostly, more glass and bottles etc. It can also be used for abrasives and reflective paint, used on road markings.

Can you recycle paints?

Definitely yes -- paint can be recycled. Let me give you three examples to recycle it. 1. Sorting for reuse 2. Re processing it into a new paint 3. Can be use in land filled

What if you mixed oil based paint with latex based paint Can you fix the mix with another kind of hardener?

No, not as liquids. Latex paint is a water-based suspension, 'oil' paint is either a petro-chemical (i.e. paint thinner) or 'natural' (i.e. linseed) oil-based suspension. If you already tried to mix the 2, it can't even be recycled. Consult the local (county) recycling/waste disposal authority for proper disposal.

What were toys made out of 200 years ago?

Metal/paint/enamel, wood/paint, fabric/embroidery/kapok and woodwool stuffing, oilcloth, leather, cardboard, cork, rope, wool (yarn), etc and anything recycled.

Can Webkinz be recycled?

Webkinz cannot be recycled because cotton is not meant to be recycled.

How are tress recycled?

It will be recycled soon by cutting them and being recycled into millions of paper

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What is recycled art?

Recycled art, is art that has been made purely out of recycled materials.

What are these things recycled into?

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