Yes, a bad ignition condenser will keep a motorcycle from firing. A bad ignition condenser might also have caused the points to stick together and burn up.
inside the distributor
The ignition condenser is located inside the distributor. In order to repair the issue, the distributor will need removed and replaced.
Ignition condensers went out with the ignition points in the early 1970's.
No it does not have points or condenser.
Nope- electronic ignition.
The function of the condenser in a breaker points ignition system is to keep the points from sticking together. If the points stick together during ignition it could cause the points to burn up. The condenser sends a signal to the points and then takes the signal away to make the points separate.
Yes there is a condenser on HEI systems with large cap with coil-in-cap. It may seem counterintuitive but yes there is. Follow along. A "condenser" is simply a capacitor. HEI do have a capacitor/condenser within harness and it's adjacent to plug that attaches to ignition control module (beneath rotor). The HEI condenser/capacitor is employed to suppress "radio noise". OE GM HEI have a round condenser while many aftermarket HEI have a squarish-flat condenser. A replacement for OE round HEI condenser is supplied by Standard Motor Products (aka Standard Ignition) as part number RC-3.
If you have a bad condenser your car won't run. Always carry a spare set of points and condenser (you change them together) in the glovebox.
The ignition failure sensor in an 01 Stratus RT is located above the condenser. It is near the ignition coil. ?æ
air conditioner condenser is in front of radiator ignition condensor should be in side the distributer cap or on side of distributer