There is none.
In recent experience, I have learned that a 1992 rodeo does not have a cut off switch and that on most the fuel pump is in the tank!
The light will shut itself off when the failure that the computer detected is repaired.
If the dome light will not shut off on a 2002 impala, check for a water leak in the roof that might interfere with the operation of the light. Also check for a bad connection with the ground wire or a short in the wires.
Low fluid, Fill thru upper plug in trans oil pan. Use oil hand pump with hose attached and fill till over flows while engine is running. Shut off a put plug back in after excess flows out.
By having the problem that tripped the light repaired.
Have vehicle scanned to determine the problem
Check your fuse.
Either you would have to take it to a dealer to use a tech2 to shut it off, or have 10 ignition cycles without the problem causing the light to come on and it will shut off on its own.
The airbag light stays on when the computer detects a malfunction and sets a code. The fault needs repaired and the light will shut itself off.
There is a switch located on the back of the speedometer that must be turned off/pulled out before the timing belt light will shut off. This can be accomplished by removing the panel and manually flipping the switch.
Your fuel injector has issues! No fuel to the motor.... no go!!