remove some of your antifreeze,disconnect fitting at end of top radiator hose,remove thermostat and scrap off gasket and clean both surfaces,check new thermostat in 180 degrees water to make sure it opens and closes,then put your gasket sealent on both surfaces and your thermostat on the same way it came off and bolt it back on and add more antifreeze and crank it and make sure its not leaking.
how do replace the thermostat on a 1999 mazda b2500 truck?
you may have a bad thermostat,replace and see.
I'm going on the assumption that you have a V6 in which the thermostat is between the two upper timing belt sprockets and just above the water pump. Replace the thermostat with the spring side in the block adn the air bleeder to the top.
question is it 4 cycle or v6 4 cycle sample it's on front motor it's 10mm bolt's the upper goes right to it.. I recommment coolest thermostat that you can buy..
I have a 1997 Nissan 2wd pickup with an automatic transmission and 4 cylinder. The thermostat is located on the lower radiator hose under the power steering pump.
Just follow the top radiator hose from the radiator to the water pump. Its right there where the hose connects. there are usually two bolts to take out and the hose housing comes off and the thermostat is just behind it.
The thermostat is located in the water pump behind the timing belt plate cover. the thermostat is in the bottom rad hoase where it conects to the motor.
hey ive got an 87 Nissan d21 with a z2.4L motor and the thermostat is located where at the end of the upper rad hose going into the motor. Its housed in a steel casing. you can't miss it if that's what motor your running.
180 degrees
how to replace lower ball joints on 1995 4 wheel drive Nissan truck
Front of the engine block on left side, below the alternator. If you replace thermostat, it is easier to replace entire housing. When you purchase one it will all come as one unit.
On my 95 pickup with 4 cylinder engine, the thermostat is located where the lower radiator hose enters the engine block. Hope this helps.