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The thermostat is located under the alternator and is attached to the bottom radiator hose. There are four bolts holding the thermostat housing to the block and two bolts connecting the housing to the bottom radiator hose. Remove the housing. You will need to use liquid gasket maker as there are no longer gaskets for the thermostat.

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Q: How do you replace the thermostat located on a 1991 Nissan Stanza?
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Where is the thermostat located on a 1991 Nissan Stanza?

The thermostat housing is located below the alternator and directly across from the lower right side of the radiator(not the lower radiator hose side).

Where is the thermostat housing located at on a Nissan Stanza?

towards the bottom of the motor follow the bottom radiator hose to the engine block and you should see four bolts for the thermostat housing

Where is the thermostat located on a 1992 Nissan Stanza?

Follow the bottom hose of the radiator to the block. Where the hose enters is the location. Changing this has been answered.

How do you replace a 1992 Nissan Stanza thermostat?

Remove the negative cable line from the battery and bleed off fuel pressure, next remove the thermostat housing cover, finally the spring of the thermostat should face the engine, so put in a new thermostat and seal with liquid gasket maker.

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well we have a 91 stanza and ours is located under the glovebox dash u have to take everything off to get it out try checking there good luck

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The 1988 nissan stanza has teo pumps one in the tank and one in the engine compartment on the passenger side.

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The starter on a 1988 Nissan Stanza can be found on the inner side of the engine. It is between the gear box and the engine block.

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The temperature sensor on a 1987 Nissan Stanza is located on the rear of the radiator. It is about one-third of the way down from the top.

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you cannot just change the boot you will have to replace the whole axle

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It is located inside the fuel tank.

When was Nissan Stanza created?

Nissan Stanza was created in 1977.

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