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you don't, the car has an expansion valve by the evaporator.

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Q: How do you replace the orifice tube on your nissan maxima?
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Where is the orifice tube located on a 1996 Nissan Sentra?

It doesn't have an orifice tube. It has an expansion valve that is located inside of the evaporator box. The evaporator assembly will have to be removed and taken apart to replace the expansion valve.

How do you remove the orifice tube 1999 dodge 3500?

To remove the orifice tube on a 1999 Dodge Ram 3500 you need to cut the tube out of the liquid line. Kits are available at your local auto parts store to replace the orifice tube once you have removed it.

Where is the orifice tube on 95 Nissan pickup?

1995 nissan pickup has a expansion valve rather than a orfice tube and is located on the evap.

How do you remove orifice tube 1999 dodge ram 3500?

An orifice tube can be removed on the 1999 Dodge Ram 3500 by cutting it out of the liquid line. It is actually easier to replace the whole evaporator tube than just the orifice tube.

Where is the orifice tube located in a 94 Nissan Quest?

It is located inside of a line that routes off of the condenser and splits between the front and rear A/C sections. The line with the orifice tube heads to the firewall on the passenger side of the vehicle. You'll see a crimped area on the line, where the orifice tube is located. I don't believe you can easily replace the orifice tube without cutting/repairing the line or replacing the whole line assembly. The line has several bends negating pulling the orifice tube out. Pretty inconvenient. The rear A/C uses an expansion valve.

Where is the orifice tube on a 1999 Chevrolet Suburban?

Most orifice tubes are placed in the high pressure line to the evaporator at the fire wall connection. You will have to empty the freon from the system to replace the orifice tube which is not very expensive (the tube, that is).

Orfice tube on a 2005 Ram 3500 desiel?

Best way is to replace the entire line , alternate methode is to cut the orifice out of the line and replace it with an orifice tube repair kit. Personally i change the whole line.

How to replace orphis tube on 2001 mercury villager?

If you mean the orifice tube, it is in the low pressure line. If there is a hex nut in the line, you can separate the two parts and remove the orifice tube. If there is no nut, just a crimp, the line must be cut and a repair kit installed to contain the new orifice tube.

How do you replace orifice tube on a 1999 Ford Taurus?

This is the escort page not the Taurus page.

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go to boremnder on you tube 4t gen Maxima

You do not see where to install the transmission fluid in your 2001 Nissan maxima?

To add fluid you add it through the dipstick tube