The rear bumper cover is attached by 4 screws (behind the fender well covers, easily moved), and 4 screws inside the rear hatch. There are also 12 fasteners along the top and bottom of the bumper skin that can be pried out. Replacement fasteners cost about 5-10 dollars for a pack of 10. If you have a gray (non-painted) rear bumper, it only costs about $200 to replace it, and it's easily a DIY job.
Forget about the Toyota; Buy American.
if the bumper protector is damaged yes, or else the cover will have no suppot
Remove the screws in the wheel wells and underneath the plastic cover to remove the bumper cover. Then you can see to remove the actual bumper.
It is just clipped in. Just pull up - it will snapp off.
Hi, I was looking for instructions as to "How to replace 1998 Toyota Camry rear bumper cover" and you got your question. If you have already replaced then please let me know otherwise I'm going to replace the part this weekened and I will let you know. Take care, Sam
To remove the rear bumper cover on a 1993 Ford Taurus wagon, the lights need to be disconnected in the rear. Once all electrical connections are disconnected in the rear, remove the taillights and the fuel filler overflow hose. Remove any nuts and bolts holding the bumper cover on. Using needle nose pliers, pop the push pins around the bumper cover upwards. Slowly pull on the bumper to remove it.
I think you asked the same question twice (just in different forms). The answer to both is the same. 1. Remove front bumper cover (to expose headlight housing lower attachment bolt) 2. Remove light bulbs from housing 3. Remove bolts attaching housing and lift away from bumper Removal of the bumper cover will be easier if you have a manual. Chilton, Haynes both offer Solara manuals or download the factory service manual from Toyota's website. Cheers
there are 3 5mm Allen nuts in the front. these are easy. the weird part is the back. there is a Toyota symbol in the back center. twist it counterclockwise till the shield is released.
rip it off
1. If needed raise vehicle and support it on Jack stands 2. Remove the retaining screws in the wheel wells and along the upper and lower edges of the bumper cover. Remove the tail light housings. Remove the rear trim plate and pull luggage compartment trim out for access then remove the remaining bumper cover retaining screws. Remove the bumper bolts 3. On station wagons remove the rear window washer fluid reservoir for access to the bumper retaining bolts. The remaining bumper bolts are accessible from below 4. Pull the bumper and cover assembly out and away from the car