yes they do.use the b2000 cam caps and use the b2200 rocker arms,rocker shafts and shaft springs
PUSH rods and rocker arms... yes.
The rocker arms are located under the valve covers. They are simple to remove. Remove them and crank the engine over to make sure all of the rocker arms are moving.
Yes they can depending on which ratio rocker arms you get.
to adjust the rocker arms you have to either tighten or loosen the top bolt on the rocker arm/arms that need to be adjusted. there is a specified torque for the rocker arms that you should follow to help you adjust the them
what is the torque on 2.2 rocker arms and in what order
A rocker arm shaft is normally a long shaft with rocker arms attached to it, that provides the pivet point for the rocker arms (newer Chevy motors).
Roller rocker arms can be used with most any cam.
Remove the valve cover. Tighten bolts next to rocker arms. done
The 1985 Chevrolet Corvette rocker arms will have an adjustment screw on top of each rocker arm. Turning the adjustment screw will change the height of the rocker arm.
A rocker arm shaft is normally a long shaft with rocker arms attached to it, that provides the pivet point for the rocker arms (newer Chevy motors).
Any under the hood components will have to be moved to gain access to the valve covers. Remove the covers. The rocker arms are held in by one nut per each rocker. The rockers need to be unbolted, removed, and the push rods inspected. the arms need to be set to the gap desired, depending on how the engine will be used. Reassemble the parts on the engine.