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Q: How do you remove rear drum on Isuzu Rodeo?
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How do you change the rear drum brakes on a 1998 Isuzu Rodeo?

My 98 rodeo has disk brakes in the rear not drums,are there drums on some models.

Can you replace a rear axle from a disc brake 1992 Isuzu Rodeo to a 1992 Isuzu Rodeo with drum brakes just the axle?

I don't think that will work unless you change over to rear disc brakes, the hub should not match.

Where is the emergency brake in the 2000 Isuzu Rodeo?

On the rear wheeels. some have a special drum inside the rotor and some use the caliper.

Do a 2001 Isuzu Rodeo LS V-6 and a 96 Nissan Altima GXE have disc or drum brakess?

I don't know about the Isuzu, but the 93-97 Altimas had front disc brakes and rear brakes were standard drum, or optional discs.

Is a 2001 Isuzu Rodeo non 4 wheel drive a front or rear drive?

The Rodeo is a rear wheel drive vevicle

How do you replace a rear light bulb in a Isuzu Rodeo?

The complete assembly comes off by removing 4ea screws on the outside. Then remove the small plate on the rear of the assembly to get to the bulb.

Why does my 2001 Isuzu Rodeo rear wiper not turn off?

If the rear wiper on a 2001 Isuzu Rodeo will not turn off it could mean that the rear wiper switch is broken. The cost to replace the switch averages around $200 if done by a professional mechanic.

How do you replace the speedometer light bulb on an Isuzu Rodeo?

that depends on the model year of the rodeo. If its a 92/93/94 remove the guage housing module(see how do i remove the dash board of a 93 rodeo) Once the module is out the front and rear panels of it will pop off with a screwdriver and you can replace the bulbs.

Where can one buy a wiper arm for the rear winshield on a 1999 Isuzu rodeo?

At Walmart! :-)

Location of speed sensor 1993 Isuzu rodeo?

For the ABS it is on the left side of the rear axle.

Where on a 1997 Isuzu rodeo is the g sensor's location?

its on the crossmember on the right rear...near the canister.

What kind of differential fluid does a 03 Isuzu Rodeo use?

80w90...with a diff additive for the rear