Use throttle body carbon cleaner, you can find it in any auto part store.
Clean the throttle body
in ford f150 the u-jounts on the steering shaft get stuck. Use WD40 to help loosen them. Toyota camry's too!
Clean the throttle body with a spray throttle body cleaner.
= outside door handle on a 1997 Toyota Camry. =
replace it.
Toyota should recall them, seriously, there have been over 1000 complaints of this same problem on the 2002 Toyota Camry - check google.
I had the same problem for almost a year and damaged both engine mounts and trans mount. The fix was simple. The throttle body was gummed up and sticking. Took it apart and cleaned it with carb and throttle body cleaner and no more sticking. Smoothest pedal in a year.
the throttle cable itself will have to be replaced. the cable is most likely fraying internally.
There is not enough information to answer this question
I believe Toyota went to a an electronic/electric throttle design in 2002. There is no mechanical connection. A spring on the accelerator pedal returns it to the start position. There are products available at the parts stores for freeing up the throttle body. If you have a car with a mechanical hook up to the throttle body you can free the cable up with products available.
Throttle valve sticking clean and lubricate