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I just repaired the same problem on my wife's 1994 Quest. there are several small maybe 3-4 inch hoses right under the intake air plenum that crack/rot over time, 2 of them were leaking on her van so I replaced them all. It is a relatively easy job, but often overlooked because of their location

check your o2 sensor...maybe bad and is requiring the engine to give more fuel as the car needs more fuel if its getting less air......

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Q: How do you find the source of a gasoline smell from a 1995 Nissan Quest?
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i smell gas fumes in 96 Nissan quest

You smell gas in your Nissan Xterra?

In general, if a gasoline odor is detected in the passenger compartment of a car, there is a leak in a fuel line. It should be repaired immediately because there is a danger of fire.

How does gasoline smell?

Because of what it is made from

Why does gasoline smell?

Gasoline contains benzene,C6H6, which naturally forms in crude oil, and is furthur refined in gasoline used by our cars. It has a characteristic sweet smell. It is also a known carcinogen.

After installing a fuel filter why is there still a gasoline smell?

only 2 reasons if here was no smell before changing filter. did you spill gasoline? the smell will go away. is the filter leaking?

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Why you smell gasoline at all times any where?

I could be in the shower and I could smell gasoline at work at the mall in my house at all place at all times

How do you get gasoline smell off hands?

Cola and Vinegar

Can you use gasoline in a Coleman lantern?

Yes, gasoline works pretty good in a Coleman although it does smell.

How do you get gasoline smell off of your hands?

Toothpaste works well

What is it called when you like the smell of the gasoline?

It is called "gasoline sniffing" or "gasoline addiction." However, it is important to note that repeatedly inhaling gasoline fumes can be harmful to one's health and should be avoided.

Gasoline smell in your house where could it come from?

A gasoline smell in your house could be coming from a gas leak in your appliances, car fumes entering through vents or windows, spilled gasoline, or improperly stored gasoline containers. It is important to immediately identify and address the source to prevent potential safety hazards. Consider contacting a professional to help locate and resolve the issue.