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Q: How do you change the window fuses on a 2000 Toyota solara?
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Are all of the fuses under the hood in a 1999 Toyota Solara?

No some are inside the car. On the drivers side on the left under the stearing wheel there should be a little coin holder. Remove the holder - the additional fuses are behind it.

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under the dash broad or under the steering wheel

Toyota Starlet 1993 drivers electric window not working not fuses mavbe electric motor any suggestions?

Window motor i'd say. Both of mine have given up. €270 from Toyota for one, they can be had for £20 from eBay

Does Toyota Corolla have to have Toyota fuses?

No fuses are fuses no difference.Take one of yours out and check for size of fuse with unnamed ones from your local auto shop..

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Check glove box there are fuses there

Fuses in Toyota Corolla 2000- what are they for?

The fuses in a Toyota Corolla 2000 are for various components of the car. For instance, the fuses power the windshield wipers, the radio, the power windows, and the power seats.

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check to make sure your child safety lock is not on when you are trying to open the window, if that doesn't work check the fuses or there might be a short in the wiring and you have to take the door panel apart to fix that

Where is the dashboard light fuse on your 99 Toyota solara?

I can only give you a partial answer. It will be one of the fuses in the fuse panel in the inside of the car. Is there a fuse layout on the back side of the puse panel cover? Owners manual, maybe. Sorry I could be of more help.

Where can i buy Toyota spare fuses?

Local Toyota dealership's parts shop