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This is a complicated and delicate procedure. The bulb is mounted on 2 pins that are part of the instrument cluster circuit board. The insrument cluster needs to be removed from the dash, and disassembeled from the front and the rear. The bulb is a special order part from Honda and is difficult to access even with the cluster apart. It is NOT one of the bulbs that are mounted to the back side of the cluster, such as the illumination, and warning lamps - these bulbs are much easier to change. The bulb is less than $10, but be prepared for a 2-3 hour labour charge to replace it if it's not something you care to tackle on your own. A new instrument cluster is quite pricey if something breaks! Note: It is not necessary to remove the gauge needles... and Don't try to remove them. The are snapped in place and are very difficult to calibrate once they've been removed.

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Q: How do you change the Drive indicator light bulb on a Odyssey?
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