How do I change spark plugs in 2009 Toyota Corolla? whaT TOOLS I NEED
How do I change spark plugs on Toyota rav 4 2003
how do I change spark plugs on 2002 Toyota tacoma v4
position of spark plugs on 2003 Toyota coralla
How do you change spark plugs in a 6 cly Toyota Camry?
To change spark plugs on a 1994 Toyota Camry, remove the black shafts. The spark plugs are down the four holes. Use a socket set with extension to reach the spark plugs. Replace old spark plugs with new ones.
There is an article with video on how to change spark plugs at ; Look in their 'how to' section.
Remove the old plugs, install new plugs.
spark plug gap is 0.43 inch Spark plugs normally come preset as Gap .044
How to change sparks on Toyota Rav 4 2003
You can change the spark plugs on the 1997 Toyota Tacoma yourself. Remove the ground wire and spark plug wire. Remove plug. Replace the plug with a plug made specially for your model car.
every 200,000 miles