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This is what I did...Take out the ashtray- take out the screw that's behind it (make sure to put some grease on the tip of the Phillips head so you don't lose the screw/ I don't think the screw can be held on by magnetized driver.

Gently lift outwards at the bottom of the consul until it resists (about halfway up).

Use a small pry bar or a wide tipped screw driver to lift underneath consul (gently) at points of resistance to remove the snap in clips ( I think there are 6 of them/ maybe 4) 2 on the sides (halfway up) 2 on sides at top/ (maybe 2 in-between, I forget).

Put the temperature control at maximum heat (car is off).

Remove the tips of the control levers REMEMBER how you take them off (top controls- the white stripe is on the bottom/ bottom controls white stripe is on top.

Unscrew the Temperature Control Unit (TCU) and GENTLY pull as far out as possible until you can't pull anymore.

On the top of the TCU about a half inch back you will see 4 white fasteners (they are very small) protruding from the outer casing.

Lift the outer casing gently (by put-ting the screwdriver in-between the casing and the TCU) with a small screwdriver at each of the points of fasteners until they detach/ do the same for the bottom (I think there were only 3).

Remove the face and pull out the bulb and replace it with a CLB-37 Mini Bulb. They cost about $2.00 at an auto parts store and $8.00 at the dealers parts dept..

REMEMBER TO REGREASE the tip of the Phillips screwdriver so the screw doesn't fall off when putting it back.

(This is the way I did it and I'm not advising anyone to do the same. I'm not recommending that anyone do this. Bring to a mechanic or Do it at your own risk!).

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