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Release the handbrake then jack up the car making sure that the wheels are chocked so the car can not move and car is well suported.Take the cover off the bottom of the car around where the handbrake lever is. There is a cable coming from both rear brakes and where they meet there is a theaded bracket with a pivot release thenuts at the back and front of the pivotThen move the nuts front one first towards the front of the car and it should start putting tesion on the two brake cables adjust until you have a satisfactory amount brake. Remember to lock the nuts up to each other so they can't come loose. BE SAFE. mr2s do have quite a lot of travel on the hand brake lever so don't go to tight and end up with the brakes dragging.Good luck

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Q: How do you adjust parking brake on a 1992 Toyota MR2?
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The 1992 GMC parking brake release lever can be found on the bottom of the dashboard. Pulling the lever towards the passenger compartment will release the parking brake.

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Yes, connected to the parking brake assembly is a little black lever, which when pulled will manually release the parking brake.

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Pop up the driver seat, and it's right next to the parking brake. It's square and sticks up.

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I have a 1992 Chevrolet lumina and I had the same problem. what that means is your brake fluid is at a low level so check that.

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Brake and parking lights? Are you sure, the two aren't interconnected. Maybe it's just the brake light. If so, sounds like a bad brake light switch. If you step on the brakes and the brake and parking (sometimes called running lights) lights come on it sounds like you have a real problem. Suggest you have it checked right away.

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Warning light usually indicates low brake fluid or parking brake not fully released

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