Press and hold the odometer reset button in while at the same time turning the ignition switch to the on position. Do not start the engine. After around 5 seconds the light will reset.
You can't reset that light...there is no such thing as a 2002 Honda Element...they didn't come out until 2003.
How do you reset 2008 honda element service light?
One way to reset a 2005 Honda Element check engine light is to disconnect the battery. The battery will need to be disconnected for about 5 minutes for the light to reset.
Two reset the maintenance required light on a 2005 Honda Accord all you have to do is hold the odometer reset button on the gage panel for about 30 seconds while the key is in the on position. Not running just in the on position. it will reset.
You take out the battery and reinsert it.
This is how it is done on a Honda Accord and your Element should be the same. Push and hold the odometer reset button in while at the same time turning the ignition switch to the on position without starting the engine. After 5 seconds the light will reset.
The procedure can be found in the drivers manual.
It must be reset by a Honda Dealer. The light is on because there is a problem with the system. I am sure you do not want the airbag to not function as it should or prematurely deploy.
Turn off the engine. Press and hold the select/reset button in the instrument panel, then turn the ignition switch ON (II). Hold the button until the indicator resets (approximately ten seconds).
It just needs an oil change. If you take it to a Honda dealership to get it fixed, they will normally reset it for you. On the 1995 Honda Accord station wagon, the 'maintenance required' indicator is easily reset by using a key to push in the little flat 'button' located near the indicator.
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Here is how you reset it on an Accord so I would think it would be the same on an Element. Push and hold the odometer reset button while at the same time turning the ignition on without starting the engine. After 5 seconds the light will reset.