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The Oxygen (O2) sensors located in the catalytic converters help to keep the vehicle running cleaner. If an oxygen sensor goes bad, the vehicle might start to misfire occasionally. The catalytic converter can become plugged up if the oxygen sensor is not working properly. This could lead to the vehicle not running at all.

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Q: How do 02 sensors affect catalytic converters?
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Where are the 02 sensors located on a 99 ford f150?

There are 2 upstream 02 sensors just behind the exhaust manifolds, threaded into the exhaust pipes, one on each side. There are 2 downstream 02 sensors just behind the catalytic converters, one on each side as well.

Where is the down stream 02 sensor on a 97 Ford Probe located?

After the catalytic converter. My GT actually has four O2 sensors, two before and two after the catalytic converters (one for each bank of cylinders).

Where is the 02 sensor on a 1996 Ford Thunderbird 3.8L V8?

first of all the 3.8 is a v6 second the o2 sensors (2 of them) are in the down pipes just before the catalytic converters

How many 02 sensors are there on a 2002 IS 300?

4 sensors, 2 are pre-catalytic convert and 2 are post-catalytic converter

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There is an 02 sensor ahead of the catalytic converter and one downstream of it.

How many 02 sensors does a 1997 Volvo 960 have?

two on before the catalytic and one after

Where is locations for 02 sensors on 2014 Ford Focus?

All O2 sensors (AKA Air/Fuel sensors) are threaded into the exhaust system. Some before the catalytic converter (upstream) and some after the catalytic converter (downstream).

How many O2 sensors does a 95 Chevy Tahoe have?

look under you Chevy and locate the catalytic converter. Your 02 sensors are located before and after the catalytic converter on your muffler. See 1 or 2?

Where are the 02 sensors on a 1997 jeep tj?

They are in front and in back of the catalytic converter on the exhaust pipe.

How many 02 sensors on a 99 surburban?

There are four oxygen sensors. Two are pre-catalyst and two are post-catalyst oxygen sensors. Basically, there is one sensor for each side of the engine in front of the catalytic converter and there are two sensors behind the catalytic converter.

Where is 02 sensor location on 2002 Chevy Silverado?

There are multiple O2 sensors on a 2002 Chevy truck. They are all located on the exhaust system. There will be pre catalytic converter and post catalytic converter sensors.

Can you run a car with no catalytic converter if it has 02 sensors?

It will run, but not correctly.It will run, but not correctly.