Abstain or eat more zinc.
you will probably make yourself sick and might gain a little weight.
You have to sleep early so your face will get chubby and eat more healthy food! Just try :)
how to make yourself weigh more for a weigh in
Not eating will make you unhealthy. Skipping meals is also more likely to make you binge eat later on because you let yourself get so hungry that you eat anything in sight.
Eat your penis
if is spicy enough to make you cry try to build yourself up to it gradually and eat things that are more and more spicy untill you can handle the spiciness of that object
Your bulimic.
dont eat, simple.
Work it out yourself.
Celebrate and eat meats of all kinds and sing. Sing songs as loud as you can. Then eat more of the wonderful meats you have prepared. Make love to yourself and pass out.